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Compliance Miiro Juuso Compliance Miiro Juuso

The Cloud, GDPR, and You

GDPR is designed to protect the personal data of EU citizens, ensuring it is processed lawfully, transparently, and securely. For many businesses, the fear of non-compliance and hefty fines makes cloud adoption seem daunting. But let’s clear up some misconceptions about the cloud and GDPR compliance.

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Compliance Miiro Juuso Compliance Miiro Juuso

Why Data Sovereignty Matters in Cloud Computing

Though it sounds like something you might hear at a UN general assembly rather than in a software context - data sovereignty is in fact a very important concept in cloud computing. Essentially, it holds your business’s privacy and legal compliance together, and can have serious implications for privacy, access, and control. But what does data sovereignty actually mean? Why should you care? And how do you go about it?

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