Top 3 AWS security tools you should be using right now

With cybercrime on the rise, it’s imperative that businesses take the necessary steps to secure their data and workloads. Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a suite of powerful security tools to help protect against malicious actors. In this article, we’ll take a look at the top three AWS security tools that you should be using right now to protect your cloud infrastructure. From real-time security posture management to API resource logging, these tools will help you ensure your data and workloads are secure. Let’s get started.

AWS Security Hub

The AWS Security Hub is a centralised security management console that helps you monitor, automate, and respond to your security events in real-time. It helps you visualise and track the security posture of your AWS-hosted systems. This helps you identify and remediate potential risks before they become a problem. AWS Security Hub provides a single-pane view into the security tools available in AWS, allowing you to view your compliance against industry-standard security frameworks like CIS and PCI DSS - in real time.

Amazon GuardDuty

Amazon GuardDuty is a cloud-based service that continuously monitors your AWS environment for malicious or unauthorised activities. It uses machine learning algorithms to detect anomalous activity in your AWS resources. This includes AWS VPC Flow Logs, AWS CloudTrail data, and AWS API calls. GuardDuty can be configured to send notifications to your security team to further investigate any findings.

AWS CloudTrail

CloudTrail is a service that logs API calls made against your AWS resources. It produces log files that help you track and record API calls, allowing you to monitor the changes made to your AWS environment. This is particularly useful in the event of a suspected security breach - with AWS CloudTrail, you are able to see the exact actions taken by any authenticated user, allowing you to construct a timeline of events by analysing the logs. It’s worth noting that AWS CloudTrail logs should be stored in a secure location - for example, a separate AWS account in a separate security boundary - to ensure that a potential bad actor can’t cover their tracks by deleting logs.


The rise in cybercrime means that businesses need to take steps to secure their data and workloads. Amazon Web Services provides a suite of powerful security tools to help protect against malicious actors. From real-time security posture management to API resource logging, these tools will help you ensure your data and workloads are secure.

Miiro Juuso

Miiro Juuso is a DevOps practitioner and the founder and CEO of Releaseworks. Having spent over 20 years in various technology roles, Miiro is passionate about helping digital organisations deliver better software, faster.

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